quality services

Individual Counseling
There are so many different paths that lead people here and no matter what your situation is, you've found us because you are ready to do something different for YOU!
This is your time...
You may be in a space where you've looked up and realized how much of your life you have poured into everyone else, leaving so little for yourself and the effects are starting to weigh in too heavy...​
You may be dealing with heartbreaks from ex's, friends, family, and even self that are too painful to carry alone...
You know you deserve better in your career, relationships, and out of life in general, but the traps of fear, negative self-talk, procrastination, and lack of self-discipline are holding you back...
Maybe you're in a space where you know it's time to be serious about YOU, to pour into YOU, to invest into YOU from the inside.
You're ready for peace, clarity, and direction.
You're ready to make the improvements you want to see in yourself like stepping into vulnerability, being less angry, and having more patience.
Whatever you've been through, you've reached a point on your path where there's a fork in the road... and you're here to take the path where I walk with you, in a space that's carved out to focus on YOU. A space where you you're not being judged, but instead, you're supported, encouraged and held accountable while we work together to create a life that feels even better than you imagined.
Let's get started!
Common Focuses:
Relationship w/ self
Self-love & confidence
Healing from breakups
Establishing healthy relationships
Changing negative self-talk
Facing fears that keep you from success​
Healthy Boundaries and more!
Rate: $100 per session
Most insurance PPO plans accepted
HMO Plans are not accepted at this time.

Premarital Counseling
Congratulations! Whether you're newly engaged, deciding on if marriage is your destination, or intentionally dating, you're here because you want to be proactive about having the tools to build and maintain a healthy relationship that you can be proud of.
It's never too early to be proactive...
You love each other and know that you want to build a future together...​
Maybe things are going pretty good, but you know your relationship could be deeper, stronger, and healthier...
Maybe you're starting a new chapter together such as moving in together, deciding to get married, or family planning and you want to give yourselves a great jumpstart...
Maybe you want to be all in, but there's some areas in the relationship that create a noteworthy concern and they need to be addressed and/or repaired...
Whatever the season, your sessions with me will equip you to have a relationship that is meaningful and worthwhile!
Common Focuses:
Discussing and mapping out core elements for marriage
Relationship Milestones
Deepening vulnerability
Increasing empathy
Communication tools that WORK
Increasing emotional connection
Healthy boundaries to protect your relationship ​
Repairing any emotional wounds
Increasing intimacy and more!
Rate: $150 per session
Most insurance PPO plans accepted
HMO Plans are not accepted at this time.

Couples Counseling
It's levels to this... You and your partner have probably been feeling as though you've been operating on two completely different levels in your relationship. Heck, the reality is that you're probably on two different levels of how much energy or capacity you have to put the effort in to fix your relationship... I can tell you that the safe space of couples counseling can help you reach levels you may feel are impossible to reach right now. You being here means there's hope, and where's there hope, we can make change together.
Our sessions are more than talking, it's the experience you've been waiting for...
There's love there, but you don't feel it in the ways that you've been desiring and yearning for...
Maybe you want to know that your partner still cares about you and feels that your concerns and hurts matters to them...​
Maybe you want to be able to share your feelings with your partner without fearing that you won't receive the validation and healthy changes you were hoping for...
Maybe you want your partner to share their feelings or concerns in ways that are healthy and allow you to receive what they're saying...
You want to light a fire of romance and intimacy that is built from emotional connection you have together...
You want to get back to a space where you aren't walking on eggshells or dodging potential arguments...
In many cases, if both you and your partner read the statements above, you'll both think yep, that's me! ...but how can you both possibly feel the same when it feels like the other person rarely seems to get what you're saying or understand where you're coming from? You may be wondering, what am I missing here? ...that's where I come in and show you how!
You know there's love there, but you can't seem to get yourselves out of the same cycle of problems... In our sessions, you will experience the healthy connections and learn how to create the relationship that you want to experience.
What may feel like your last chance, is the revamp your relationship needs.
Common Focuses:
Deepening vulnerability
Increasing empathy
Communication tools that WORK
Increasing emotional connection
Healthy boundaries to protect your relationship ​
Repairing emotional wounds
Increasing intimacy and more!
Rate: $150 per session
Most insurance PPO plans accepted
HMO Plans are not accepted at this time.

Friends & Family Counseling
It takes a village... no, not just to keep a child, but to help us in so many ways through life. I firmly believe that people will always need people... Whether they're your parent, sibling, adult child, friend, business parter etc., you're here because this relationship is important and you want to see how it can be better...
Tough times can happen in ANY kind of relationship...
Maybe it's that family member that you know you love deep down, but things need to be addressed and resolved before you can move forward in a healthy way...
It could be the friendship that was once your happy place, but now carries some hurt and deep wounds that need to be worked through in order to salvage the friendship...
Maybe it's the business partner who you can't seem to get on the same page with... even more so if that business partner is also a friend or relative...
Maybe it's "complicated"...say less, I get it.
No matter who they are, or the circumstances, they're important to you and you aren't as close as you want to be, you want to support each other better, you want to understand each other better, you want to say bye-bye to the stress, the elephant in the room, and anything else weighing this relationship down!
It's time to thrive together...It's time to heal your village...
Common Focuses:
Friendship trauma
Family conflicts
Communication tools that WORK
Increasing healthy connections
Healthy boundaries to protect your relationship ​
Repairing emotional wounds
Family trauma/secrets
Rate: $150+ per session
Most insurance PPO plans accepted
HMO Plans are not accepted at this time.

Emotional Pet Support (ESA service)
Sometimes in life, the ones who are there for us the most are our pets! Whether you need your pet to travel with you or live with you, without the pesky laws and fees that try to get in the way...we're here to help you stay connected with your emotional support animals!
You're In The Right Place If...
Your pet provides you with the emotional support you need to help you overcome mental health symptoms such as anxiety and depression...​
You don't wan't "no pet" policies to stand between you and your animal and the support that they give you...
You are currently paying any fees for your pet to reside with you...
Life can come at you fast, so we believe in staying ready so that you don't have to get ready...
Step 1: Contact us today for your free consultation!!
Step 2: Emotional Pet Support Assessment
Step 3: Receive your ESA letter within 24hrs
Appointments are limited
Common Focuses:
Life Changes
Cost: $100 (Includes consultation, assessment appointment, and ESA letter for those approved.
Fee is only applied to those who are approved after FREE consultation.
Groups & Workshops

From Pain to Purpose:
Self-Love & Intentional Dating for Women
From Confusion to Clarify:
The Communication Blueprint for Couples